Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What's that you doing?

OK, so I've been delinquent in my personal blogging.  Lots has been happening lately and I haven't made the time to focus my attention on the blog.  If you are still reading, thank you.  Stick with me, things are about to pick up. Here's the plan.  I'm taking on the the 30 Day Drawing Challenge.  I've been flexing my artistic muscles more lately and am excited about a focused opportunity to continue to be creative.  Now as my best friend says, "I know, I know, you're a free don't like rules and expectations to define or confine you."  And she's right.  So its likely that this 30 day challenge could turn into a 43.5 day challenge plus/minus a few days.  But I don't really think it matters. For me it will be about exercising my creativity which feeds my energy matrix like a battery charger.  And provides fodder for further creative expression by other means.  

So if you stick with me a while longer, you will find fairly frequent posts with images and thoughts from this process, which I hope you will enjoy immensely thus feeding your own energy matrix in return.  


  1. Very pleased to know that you are, not only exercising your artistic talent, but also continuing with your blogs.

  2. Looking forward to future blogs and creative works.
